WASHIZU Terumi Sensei was one of the main assistants Uchi Deishi (resident student) of MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei for nearly 40 years. He specialized in the style of sutemi which was taught at the Yoseikan Hombu Dojo (Gyokushin Ryu), and he obtained by MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei his Hanshi degree and Okuden Menkyo.
Today, he is one of the last direct students of MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei to maintain a teaching imprinted on tradition and to perpetuate the original design of MOCHIZUKI Minoru Meijin.
He founded the Gyokushin Ryu school, which is based at the original and prestigious dojo once called Yoseikan, in Shizuoka.
GYOKUSHIN RYU International Headquarters
846 Mukōshikiji,
Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-shi,