

The word above has certainly not escaped your attention in the past few days (or weeks, depending on your location). Its unprecedented impact is felt in almost all geographies and spheres of society, including ours: Budō.

Several of the local and international activities of FAGRI-IGRAF are therefore at great risk of being postponed or temporarily suspended, if it is not already the case. We will therefore do our best to keep you updated of any changes to the Federation’s event calendar. At the same time, we encourage you, students and teachers, to find creative ways of persuing your personal path during this period of turbulences, while also caring for your safety and that of others.

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Black belts awarded by Judo Quebec

MOCHIZUKI Minoru often stressed to his aikido students the importance of gaining a solid foundation in Judo.

After several years of practice under the supervision of Réjean HAMON sensei, we are proud to announce the recent promotion to the rank of Shodan (Judo Quebec) of a total of five (5) students and professors of the Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Academy (AAGR) of Montreal.

  • Christian PATENAUDE


  • Raymond DELORME

  • Serge LeBLANC

  • PIOU Harvens

Congratulations for your devotion and perseverance!

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In memoriam Stanley PRANIN

It is with a heavy heart that we share the announcement of the passing of Stanley PRANIN, following the long battle fought against stomach cancer.

PRANIN Sensei was not only a master but a scholar of our art and a true builder of the aikidoka community in North America. A tireless historian who shared our passion with the world since the founding of the Aikido Journal in 1974. We also owe him the friendship demonstration from 1985 to 1988 and the Aiki Expos of 2003, 2005 and 2007.

In these difficult times, our thoughts and prayers go to the friends and family of PRANIN Sensei.

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