The 2024 Gasshuku, held in Shizuoka from October 12th to the 14th, was a great success, bringing together numerous participants from all over the world.
A total of 70 budokas, ranging in age from 11 to 80, took part in this annual seminar, under the guidance of WASHIZU Sensei.
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Just over 730 days ago, many of us were faced with a truly unusual situation: a pandemic!
Two years after this official observation by the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccination campaigns were conducted, new behaviors were adopted and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel finally appears.
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March 11th marked 1 year since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic. This sad anniversary has been marked with sober ceremonies around the world in honor of the many victims of the coronavirus. Today marks 1 year since our first posting here on the matter.
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The word above has certainly not escaped your attention in the past few days (or weeks, depending on your location). Its unprecedented impact is felt in almost all geographies and spheres of society, including ours: Budō.
Several of the local and international activities of FAGRI-IGRAF are therefore at great risk of being postponed or temporarily suspended, if it is not already the case. We will therefore do our best to keep you updated of any changes to the Federation’s event calendar. At the same time, we encourage you, students and teachers, to find creative ways of persuing your personal path during this period of turbulences, while also caring for your safety and that of others.
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Messrs. KAJIYAMA Kinzo (梶 山 欽 三), SUGIYAMA Norio (杉山 則 夫) and KATSUI Toshitsugu (勝 居 俊 次) were all three certified rokudan (6th dan) and awarded the titles of shihan.
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On February 2nd, MM. William and Edward, students of Murat ATKAS (shihan dai) all came from Australia to visit.
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Mr. Leo RAFOLT is the first visitor of the year. He practices Nan Budo in Croatia.
We are happy to make new friends!
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On December 25, it was the last practice of 2019 at Hombu Dojo. Thank you to all of the members who have practiced in each of the Federation's dojos over the past year.
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Miss Arcadia from Penguin-Budo in Tasmania came to practice at Hombu Dojo, accompanied by her mother, Liz, during her stay in Japan.
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Mrs. TASHIRO Rieko (田 代理 恵 子) received the rank of sandan (3rd dan).
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This time, the Hombu Dojo welcomed with joy the visit of Mr. Alain CORLI, who came from Nihon-Taijutsu in France.
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Mr. Philippe STROCK, from France, came to practice at Hombu Dojo some of the beautiful days of September.
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Mr. Raymond CHAURET, from Canada, came to practice with his heart filled with joy in a place full of memories!
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The first visit of PATENAUDE shihan to the old Yoseikan dojo was in 1990, he then trained under the guidance of MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei but also with all top shihan like TEZUKA, KENMOTSU and WASHIZU Sensei.
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Native of France 🇫🇷, Mr. Carrera shares after practice his appreciation of this Japanese experience.
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In the early 2000s, Mr. Gino VINCELLI had the great privilege of visiting the old Yoseikan Dojo of Shizuoka but, unfortunately, he could not practice at the time. Recently, Mr. VINCELLI was visiting the region and was welcomed with open arms to the Hombu Dojo by WASHIZU Terumi Sensei and the members of Gyokushin Ryu Aikido. This missed rendezvous of the 2000s was only a rain check because this time, Mr. Vincelli had much more to do!
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Dear participants,
The Gasshuku 2018 is now behind us but WASHIZU Terumi Sensei’s teachings are still living in our hearts and thoughts.
We’d like to extend a considerable thank you to Sensei for his generosity as well as all hombu dojo members for the warm welcome we received. We’d also like to thank you who, in some cases, travelled from far distances and made the time to participate to Gasshuku 2018.
We’ll see you soon somewhere in the world for the Gasshuku 2019.
Kind regards,
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The number of openings being limited, please contact us quickly!
August 11th, 2016 (UPDATE):
Preparations for the Gasshuku are well under way and it is with great pleasure that we announce the participation of 35 international 45 international representatives including:
- 20 from Australia,
- 9 from Canada,
- 6 from the United States,
- 4 from Switzerland
- 3 from Italy and
- 3 from France.
August 22nd, 2016 (UPDATE):
Ten (10) additional representatives, 3 originating from France, 6 additional from Australia and 1 more from Canada, have confirmed their presence, bringing our international delegation to 45 participants!
Please watch this space for the upcoming announcement of the seminar schedule.
September 25, 2016 (UPDATE)
The schedule of Gasshuku 2016 is now available.
Please add the event page to your favorites so to not miss a thing!
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Welcome to the IGRAF web site, home of the International Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Federation.
For nearly 40 years, WASHIZU Terumi Sensei devoted himself to the study of budo under MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei.
A few years after the passing of his teacher, WASHIZU sensei created his own school called Gyokushin Ryu Aikido, allowing him to keep alive a teaching based on tradition and perpetuate the legacy of open-mindedness MOCHIZUKI Sensei was known for, not only to new ideas and concepts but also in welcoming budokas from all around the world. This combination of tradition, with roots that go back to KANO Sensei and UESHIBA Sensei, and the search for new ways to evolve within the art is what makes Gyokushin Ryu a modern and open budo.
To promote the technical background and values of this truly great yet humble teacher and aikido master, we are pleased to announce the creation of the International Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Federation (IGRAF). The federation will facilitate the growth of the style through a network of members around the world.
IGRAF teacher’s representative by countries are:
Please join us and feel free to come back often to visit our web site to stay up to date with the latest news and events related to the IGRAF.
Thanks for visiting!
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