Black belts awarded by Judo Quebec

MOCHIZUKI Minoru often stressed to his aikido students the importance of gaining a solid foundation in Judo.

After several years of practice under the supervision of Réjean HAMON sensei, we are proud to announce the recent promotion to the rank of Shodan (Judo Quebec) of a total of five (5) students and professors of the Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Academy (AAGR) of Montreal.

  • Christian PATENAUDE


  • Raymond DELORME

  • Serge LeBLANC

  • PIOU Harvens

Congratulations for your devotion and perseverance!

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2018 Gasshuku details

2018 Gasshuku details

It is with great excitement that we start counting down to the 2018 edition of the Gasshuku, which will take place this year in Shizuoka!

Once again, we would like to thank you, the participants, for your great enthusiasm that promises a most memorable training camp. We also thank you for your great patience regarding the Gasshuku schedule details, which are now available.

Do not hesitate to bookmark the pages that will be most relevant to you (or even print them!) We will, of course, keep you informed of any changes if necessary, via our website and facebook page.
A great thank you and see you all soon!

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Training course honoring the 60th anniversary of the French School of Nihon Tai-Jitsu (EFNTJ)

Our teachers and professors WASHIZU Terumi Sensei and Christian PATENAUDE Sensei will join Roland HERNAEZ Sensei of the French School of Nihon Taï-Jitsu to celebrate the 60th anniversary of this great organization. For the occasion, Washizu Sensei will direct a training course open to everyone on June 3rd and 4th at the prestigious premises of the INSEP in Paris.

Join us at this great event open to all.

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In memoriam Stanley PRANIN

It is with a heavy heart that we share the announcement of the passing of Stanley PRANIN, following the long battle fought against stomach cancer.

PRANIN Sensei was not only a master but a scholar of our art and a true builder of the aikidoka community in North America. A tireless historian who shared our passion with the world since the founding of the Aikido Journal in 1974. We also owe him the friendship demonstration from 1985 to 1988 and the Aiki Expos of 2003, 2005 and 2007.

In these difficult times, our thoughts and prayers go to the friends and family of PRANIN Sensei.

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Welcome to the IGRAF web site, home of the International Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Federation.

For nearly 40 years, WASHIZU Terumi Sensei devoted himself to the study of budo under MOCHIZUKI Minoru Sensei.

A few years after the passing of his teacher, WASHIZU sensei created his own school called Gyokushin Ryu Aikido, allowing him to keep alive a teaching based on tradition and perpetuate the legacy of open-mindedness MOCHIZUKI Sensei was known for, not only to new ideas and concepts but also in welcoming budokas from all around the world. This combination of tradition, with roots that go back to KANO Sensei and UESHIBA Sensei, and the search for new ways to evolve within the art is what makes Gyokushin Ryu a modern and open budo.

To promote the technical background and values of this truly great yet humble teacher and aikido master, we are pleased to announce the creation of the International Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Federation (IGRAF). The federation will facilitate the growth of the style through a network of members around the world.

IGRAF teacher’s representative by countries are:

Please join us and feel free to come back often to visit our web site to stay up to date with the latest news and events related to the IGRAF. 

Thanks for visiting!

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